Projects Experience


Vancouver Art Gallery
Oakridge Community Centre, Vancouver
The Printworks, London - Shell & Core Stage 1
Centre For Music - London Concert hall Stage 0
Burnham Community Centre, Burnham - Stage 4


526 Granville Steet, Vancouver
Finsbury Tower, London - Stage 2
Gatwick Valet, U.K - Stage 2/3
Piccadilly Mews office, London - Stage 2/3
Barbican Tower office, London - Stage 1/2


High end household 01, London - Undisclosed owner* - Stage 2/3
High end household 02, London - Undisclosed owner* - Stage 2/3
High end household 03, London - Undisclosed owner *- Stage 2/3

* Confidential


Fat Duck Restaurant extension - Stage 2
Supermarket fit-outs roleout, London - Stage 0-4


London Warehouse live/work - Stage 1 


Tottenham Pavillion (Build Team) - Build
SGP Festival,Animated Dome - (Build Team) - Build
Iguzzini Sculpture - (Design and prototype)